Effective Conversations

Hear and be heard: innovative, drama-based training to give managers essential workplace conversation skills.

Effective Conversations

Managers can overestimate their ability to hold productive conversations at work. Just as many of us believe we are above average drivers, they fall into the trap of thinking that because they talk to people all of the time, they must be pretty good at it. Yet 360° feedback from employees often suggests otherwise. 

Whether holding conversations about operational tasks, performance and conduct issues, personal development or wellbeing, managers need to be able to hear as well as be heard. They must demonstrate understanding, ask good questions, stay silent when necessary, master their emotional responses, and recognise their biases and people preferences. 

Our new half-day workshop uses immersive, drama-based content to help managers at all levels learn and practise the essential ‘soft’ skills needed to hold high impact, productive conversations with team members, peers, and superiors. 

Clients Include

Delegate Feedback

Engaging, impactful training. Easy to self-reflect and consider improvement and implementation in workplace.
A fun learning environment, rich with team building and sharing.
It was great fun, would recommend it. Learnt something about myself and our team. Didn't feel like work!
Different! Really good engaging workshop. Involved all team. Only 5/6 slides so it wasn't death by PowerPoint. Felt safe environment to speak up in front of colleagues.
I love how everyone got involved, the different use of activities, how relatable everything was - and the actors were great!
The whole event was brilliant. Well thought out, acted, tailored to [our team] and most importantly fun and interactive.
Very interactive and productive day. Well structured. Amazing actors.
I thought the course was amazing. I have learnt a lot and will definitely use what I have learnt.
Great to have real life situations, much better than videos.
I really enjoyed the drama of the live actors. It added a dimension to the course that was beneficial in terms of understanding the detail and certain behaviours.
Great teamwork, some serious messages about how we naturally behave and can tailor this when working with others who are different.
It was so visual, the acting really brought it to life and was very engaging.
Super fun day and worth carrying out the session. I know more about behaviour types and body language to get the best out of a situation.
Very good session with live actors and feedback on difficult conversations.
It was worthwhile, really helpful to observe conversations and reflect on how to approach.
Great demonstration of challenging discussions and managing them effectively.
Fantastic group. Great approach to presenting. Best session we’ve had!
The delegates are still buzzing about how great the session was.

Watch a Preview

Learning Outcomes

As a result of participation, learners will:

The Programme

Effective Conversations


Effective Conversations


We offer flexible delivery options including either face-to-face workshops at your venue of choice, or online with our interactive livestreamed virtual workshops.

The programme consists of the following modules.

Learning Into Action

We have been delivering training programmes to help supervisors, team leaders and managers get better at having productive conversations since the company started in 2011. In that time, we have had customers from a range of sectors, including utilities, leisure, and finance.

Results from in-session electronic polling include:

had previously avoided a ‘difficult’ conversation at work
0 %
described themselves as reluctant to raise issues
0 %
increased their understanding of how to handle ‘difficult’ conversations
0 %
gained ideas of actions they could take to be more effective in their role
0 %
recognised the importance of listening for creating a more inclusive workplacee
0 %
found the session worthwhile
0 %
felt inspired to make a positive difference back in the workplace
0 %
found the session worthwhile
0 %

Very important session that provides you with essential skills and tools as a line manager.


If you are interested in running this training programme in your organisation, or if you simply want to ask a question about it, hit the button to contact us or call +44 (0)1484 310234.