DEI Fluency for Leaders

Leading the way: innovative, drama-based training to support leaders in becoming diversity, equity, and inclusion champions

Dei Fluency For Leaders

Whilst organisational commitment to increasing diversity and developing more equitable, inclusive workplaces remains high, without demonstrable action there’s a risk employees start to dismiss it as just warm words. What we do matters, often more than what we say. This is especially true when it comes to leadership. From senior leaders to team leaders, all need to set an example others can follow. But what kind of example should different leaders be setting when it comes to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? What, exactly, is good DEI leadership?

This is where we come in. Our immersive, interactive, and impactful programme enables leaders and managers to explore what it means to be an accountable, truly committed DEI leader. Including, what gets in the way, and what can be done to breakthrough the barriers. From anxiety about saying ‘the wrong things’, to uncertainty about the best way to step in
and support someone from a marginalised group, your leaders will work together to become not just better DEI champions, but better leaders, full stop.

Our new half-day workshop harnesses the power of real-life situations, dramatised by professional actors, to facilitate powerful conversations, giving leaders the skills to act when
action is needed, or to be curious and inquisitive, delving into some of the nuances of leadership in the modern working environment.

Clients Include
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Delegate Feedback

“This was a great refresher on DEI and our responsibilities as leaders to influence the culture of the company.”
“The content is connected to realistic scenarios which was really helpful to reflect on how you might address them as a bystander.”
“Definitely attend! For an HR training it had much more light and positivity in the training methods. Quite an accomplishment given the sometimes serious nature of DEI.”
It will shift your perspective around DEI and give you some tools and things to think about so that you find yourself ‘better prepared’ for potential situations. You will observe things differently.
It was very inspiring. Learning from others and how they would handle a situation opened my mind to different approaches.
Visualising how it feels when people act like this made a more impact on my mindset. We usually talk about diversity and law related to it; however we do not really understand how it feels if a person is made to feel miserable.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of participation, learners will:

The Programme

Dei Fluency For Leaders


Dei Fluency For Leaders


Our half-day experiential, interactive training programme includes dramatised content delivered by professional actors, alongside electronic voting, group exercises, and skilful facilitation. It is designed to be delivered to up to 20 people at a time in face-to-face workshops, held either on-site at your premises or off-site at an appropriate venue, or in a modified form in online, livestreamed sessions.

The programme consists of the following modules.

Learning Into Action

We have been delivering training programmes to raise awareness of  diversity and increase inclusion since the company started in 2011. Our customers come from a wide range of
sectors, including publishing, social housing, finance, broadcasting, further education, utilities, construction, and health. Our DEI Leadership programme started in 2023 and is
proving very popular with leadership teams.

Results from in-session electronic polling include:

planned to change their behaviour, attitude, or practice after taking part in the session
0 %
felt ‘very’ or ‘fairly’ confident to intervene if they saw someone from a marginalised group being unfairly treated at work, up by an average of 12 percentage points over the session
0 %
gained ideas on how to take more accountability as a leader for DEI
0 %
felt inspired to make a positive difference back in the workplace
0 %

Very thought provoking, tackled subject from different perspective, engaging, enabled discussion outside of training unlike computer-based training.


If you are interested in running this training programme in your organisation, or if you simply want to ask a question about it, hit the button to contact us or call +44 (0)1484 310234.